Frequently Asked Questions
Each Christmas season we talk to many visitors and there are
questions that are repeatedly asked. We enjoy answering every
question each time for every visitor. Here are some examples of frequently asked questions:
How long does it take to set up? We start setting up early September, sometimes even in August.
How many hours does it take? It takes about 700 hours to get entirely set up.
Do you take everything down? Yes.
How long does it take to break it all down? It takes us about 200 hours, usually finishing the first week of February.
How many lights? We have over 200,000 lights, and we add more every year.
How much is your electric bill? Our display adds an additional $1,000+.
What do your neighbors think? We have great neighbors; 99% support us.
Where do you store it all? We store it all in sheds, the attic, under the house, in closets, under beds, and in the downstairs bathtub.
Do you have to have extra power? Yes, it takes 400 amp service
with four breaker boxes, 50 breakers and 100 outlets.
Does anyone help you? Yes, we get help from friends & neighbors.
How many years have you been decorating? We started in 1999.
How many visitors come by? We get thousands of visitors every year in cars, buses, & limos.
Why do you do it? We love Christmas and the challenge of making all this work.
Does anyone help you? Yes, we get help from friends & neighbors.
How many years have you been decorating? We started in 1999.
How many visitors come by? We get thousands of visitors every year in cars, buses, & limos.
Why do you do it? We love Christmas and the challenge of making all this work.